Sound money

558 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Lenigas Law & 1 other proposal for the UK stockmarket

Events at Wishbone Gold (WSBN) where I am, of course, a loyal shareholder, prompt me to suggest a change to UK Regulation, the Lenigas Law. Today’s Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) exposé prompts me to suggest another. I comment on how if Rishi Sunak is “sound money” man then I am slimmer of the year before flagging up a far bigger political influence on markets over the coming six weeks. 


766 days ago

Video: Why Sound Money Matters

This is something the faux Conservatives should be watching.


1027 days ago

Video: the great Ron Paul warns dollar panic will lead to economic collapse

Ron Paul for President! Sadly he never made it past the Republican Primaries. America is not ready for a honest, sound money libertarian yet. But the good doctor is still my hero. In this new video, Dr Paul discusses the need to reduce the size and scope of government. He argues that people today rely on the government too much, and politicians can’t resist taking advantage of this dependence. It’s like an addiction, and stopping it is a problem. The plunge protection team has done a miraculous job of propping up the market. But, unfortunately, Paul argues, the dollar will continue to decline, and inflation will result in the prices of everything going up.


1245 days ago

Video - the EU banking system will implode, PS buy gold

Analyst Alasdair Macleod believes, unlike our beloved Government, in sound money. As such he does not read too much into November’s gold slippage.


3032 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - next move in US base rates DOWN - buy gold

As you know Peter Schiff is my hero, a libertarian sound money man. In his latest video he explains why the next move in US base rates is going to be down and why rates could go negative. On the basis of that he advises buying gold.


3149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 September - Wildes is not a Bulletin Board Moron (but is wrong about LGO)

I start this podcast with a mention of my personal weekly podcast this week - The Orwellian BBC is not fit for purpose - you can catch it here. Then onto Wildes, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton (SER) and the consequences of wage inflation and the abandonment of sound money.


3312 days ago

A real politician who does not believe in the Money Tree - Rand Paul for President

None of the British parties has the slightest intention of eradicating the UK budget deficit - they are all Money Tree worshippers. And our record on free speech and civil liberties over the past few years has been dire. Rand Paul ( son of Ron Paul) is different and yesterday announced he was running for US President.

Come January this website will be edited for a short while from New Hampshire as I pay a holiday visit to experience the primary there - West Wing junkies will know how exciting that can be. All supporters of liberty and sound money should stand with Rand. This website does. Watch him announce his candidacy yesterday and compare his message with the banal issue evading words of our own leaders. Rand Paul for President!
